The Gallerist Release

Hey Soon-to-be Gallerists,

The Gallerist has now been released! This is a micro gallery-building "game" in which you create and display your own art throughout a whole Calendar year in real time. There are included guidelines as well as a Notion template to help you track and archive your work as it piles up throughout the year.

I always feel like the hardest thing about art is constantly comparing yourself to other artists and giving into the feeling of imposter syndrome. So, in this game, the only person you will be comparing yourself to is your past self. Keep on trying and cultivating a wall or fridge with stuff you can be proud of. Hopefully, by the end of 2024, you'll have a nice documentation of your own improvements. Maybe it'll even inspire you to start again in 2025 :)

Feel free to post your gallery, your work, or anything related to this challenge on our Community Board page. 

Have fun,
Nate Nate from MGP


The Gallerist Pocketbook 50 kB
Dec 30, 2023
Notion Archive Template
Dec 30, 2023

Get The Gallerist


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the continuation

Hello, I'm Brazilian and I found this game really cool so I decided to translate it to Portuguese to play it. I used Google Translate because I'm not very good at English. I'll leave the file here for other Brazilians to use. I apologize to the author. If you don't like it, you can delete the post without any problems.

This is so cool!! Thank you for sharing this, I really appreciate you taking the time to make this game more accessible to non-english speakers :))) 💚

(Google Tradutor) Isso é muito legal!! Obrigado por compartilhar isso, eu realmente aprecio você ter tirado um tempo para tornar esse jogo mais acessível para pessoas que não falam inglês :))) 💚